AFDA’s goal is to provide the highest quality services to patients and their relatives in the field of Health Tourism. The satisfaction of patients and their relatives is our priority in Health Tourism area, where we have a wide network of connections with our portfolio of expert doctors. We offer our patients the leading hospitals of the health sector, health care professionals, academics, doctors and institutions.

Our experts health consultants, review the medical reports they are provided and present the best hospitals, doctors and health care teams to patients. AFDA creates a treatment plan for all patients who demands support from all over the country and abroad. We meet all the requirements of our patients and their companions during their time of stay with our specialists, translators and patient advisory team. We provide psychological support for patients and their relatives when necessary.

First of all, information and all health reports are requested from all patients who contacts us, and the process is initiated as soon as possible. The reports are evaluated by doctors and the most appropriate treatment plan is prepared for the patient. We organize transportation and accommodation processes as soon as the treatment plan starts. Additionnaly, our translators and patient consultants will accompany them free of charge during their entire treatment process.